Magical Moments!
Check out Rylan Fischer on the Bulldog Sessions. We recently fell into Rylan's show and were immediately hooked! A few days later, we...
Apr 23, 2022

Bulldog Sessions are Back!
Sometimes you never know what will happen when you flip a switch. On, off, transport to another planet? Our apologies to all of our...
Sep 12, 2020

It is that time of year...again, already
Cool to be working with Kim on the Itty Bitty Buddy audio book. Seems like she just completed the first episode. Yes, here we are one...
Oct 27, 2019

Finally! Bulldog Session with The Filthy FemCorps Available
So, it took a bit longer to create the magic but now, I'm happy to share the latest Bulldog Session podcast with you. It was an amazing...
Sep 14, 2019

Wow! Aaron and Tess of Ex Libris! Awesome Bulldog Session!
Kim and I had the great pleasure of chatting with and listening to Aaron and Tess Willsie of Ex Libris. These two amazing artists blend...
Mar 29, 2019